


Our Flower Categories

1 Bouquet/Month

Love/special event

Experience monthly floral delights with our subscription service, delivering a beautiful bouquet to your door each month.

2 bouquet/Month

fresh bloom always

Our flower subscription service delivers two stunning bouquets to your doorstep each month, bringing freshness and elegance to your home.

2 bouquet+Addons

fresh bloom with love

Our flower subscription includes two bouquets per month, with the option to add extras like chocolate and wine.

fees & Terms

Our Pricing

Happy lady flower gift

Discover Floral Magic at Cosmet Florist​

A new revolution. A new perspective.
Lipa na mpesa

You can easy make purchases and make payment via our Till Number 769716

red roses

Unique Designs

A stunning expression of love and affection, perfect for gifting to a special someone. This exquisite bouquet features passionate red roses, symbolizing enduring love and romance. Each bloom is carefully selected and artfully arranged to convey heartfelt sentiments. Whether for a significant other, a cherished friend, or a family member, this bouquet is a meaningful gift that beautifully captures the essence of love.

High-Final Quality

Crafted to perfection, our enchanting bouquet features a symphony of velvety red roses, capturing the essence of love and affection. This exquisite arrangement is a timeless gift, elegantly expressing heartfelt emotions with each delicate petal. Whether celebrating a special occasion or simply expressing adoration, this bouquet embodies the essence of love in a stunning floral presentation.

water bouquet

Henry mwangi

Ceo Cosmetflorist

Welcome to our flower shop's customer review section! Here, you can read honest opinions and feedback from our valued customers.Every review that is shared with us, helps us to improve our services and enhance our products to better suit your needs.

Impeccable service and breathtaking floral arrangements! I've been a loyal customer of for years, and each time I receive or send one of their bouquets, it's an absolute delight.



The flowers are always fresh and vibrant, and the attention to detail in the arrangements is truly remarkable


Event Organizer

I cannot express how grateful I am for the stunning bouquet I received from Cosmet Florist. The beautiful combination of colors and fragrances truly lifted my spirits. It was evident that each flower was chosen and arranged with care and expertise.


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7 Day Fresh
Best Prices
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Follow @Cosmetflorist-nairobi

Welcome to our Instagram page! We are a florist business dedicated to bringing beauty and joy to your life through our unique floral arrangements

water bouquet
Treasure gift hamper




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